You’ve had your baby and you feel like there is no time for yourself let alone time for you and your husband, what a perfect opportunity to get fit and spend quality time with your husband! Most babies like the movement of the stroller. If they don’t right away, don’t give up! Your baby might fuss right before he/she falls asleep. If you’ve given him/her a couple of minutes (or as long as you can comfortably stand!), and you’re baby can’t be soothed, put him or her in an infant carrier. I personally love the Baby Bjorn. It has great back support, plus it allows you to have your arms free. I’ve never seen an unhappy baby in one of those (well, unless he/ she is hungry). Babies also enjoy the outdoors and looking around. So get fit, spend time with your husband, and soothe your baby all in one! 🙂