When you’re pregnant you’re likely to experience all kinds of emotions, especially as your belly grows. In the beginning you may experience fear- “Will the baby be ok? Will I be a good mother?”, you may also experience excitement and joy, or regret that it happened too soon. Whatever you are experiencing, you are not alone. I highly recommend that you join a support group of new moms so you can share your experiences and feel supported along the way. I have created two new mom networks. The first is on Facebook called “Ahhhh New Moms”. Feel free to join by clicking on this link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2385934019 . I also created, “Wanna Be a Fit Momma?” on MySpace. Join by clicking here: http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=groups.groupProfile&groupid=106511276&Mytoken=1B49BD0A-7282-4A77-97287B6099535E4A67747932.