Postpartum Exercise- Mom and Baby: Abs with a Tickle

Here’s a simple postpartum exercise tip to tone your belly that you can do with your baby.  I like to call it “Abs with a tickle”.  Lay down on a mat or towel.  Bend your knees and place your baby on your thighs so he’s seated facing you (I’ve found that when the baby is 5-8 mo. old, it works best).  Now lift your upper body and tickle your baby’s belly.  Repeat 15-20 times in the center.  Next, while wiggling your fingers, reach your arms to one side.  Your baby will follow your fingers with his eyes.  Repeat 15-20 times then switch sides.  Work up to 3 sets to the center and 3 sets to each side, alternating between side and center.  You will like the results of firmer abs and your baby will enjoy the interaction! 🙂