Katrina says thanks for helping her get back into shape after her pregnancy
“Thank you for the years of motivation to help me get back into shape after my pregnancy with Ellen and during my pregnancy with Robert.” Katrina Saunders
“Thank you for the years of motivation to help me get back into shape after my pregnancy with Ellen and during my pregnancy with Robert.” Katrina Saunders
One way to stay motivated to lose weight is to remind yourself of how good you feel after you exercise. Exercise produces natural highs called “endorphins” that can improve your mood. Therefore, the more you exercise the more “addicting” it will be. Once you get in a routine, it will feel strange NOT to exercise!
Total body workout in just 30 minutes!, December 25, 2006 Reviewer: Rachel Gershwin from amazon.com – I am not “post-natal” but borrowed this DVD from a friend anyways because it looked like a great workout for someone with limited time. It was! 30 minutes in the comfort of my own home…definitely worked up a sweat and …
Rachel says that Sara’s Total Body Toning “addresses both cardio and toning” Read More »
One way to stay focused on your weight loss goals is to remember that you are setting an example for your children. They watch how you eat, and will follow your example. I know that my 3 yr. old son always wants a bite of what I’m having. You truly are a role model, so …
Postpartum Weight Loss- Your a Role Model so Eat Healthy! Read More »
My newest DVD, Sara Holliday’s Total Body Toning Workout DVD targets the areas that every mom wants to tone…the belly, hips, thighs, and upper arms. I was filmed in this DVD just 3 mo. after I had my second baby. In this video I share the secret of how I got my body back so …
Postpartum Weight Loss- Quick 30 minute Workout to Lose Weight FAST! Read More »
“I like the fact this DVD, “Sara’s Total Body Toning Workout“, is a very effective and fast paced program allowing for maximum results in a short time period. Compared to other classes and videos I was able to follow easily as she instructs you on the movements just before you see them on the screen.” …
When you’re pregnant and in your third trimester, it may feel like there is no room to breathe. Try this simple yoga exercise to create “space”. In a comfortable seated position, inhale and extend both arms overhead. Reach your fingers up as high as you can while keeping both sit bones on the ground or chair. Exhale …
If you’re pregnant you may be thinking that there is no way you can keep your ab muscles strong because you are no longer allowed to lay on your back to do abdominal crunches after your first trimester. Well, I have some good news for you, there is a lot pregnancy exercises you can do …
Pregnancy Exercise- Abdominal Strengthening Exercises Read More »
Boutique Cafe review of Fit by Sara Pre and Postnatal DVD’s: Reviewer states, “I was so impressed that Fit by Sara has focused in on the Moms and given us the tools we need to feel healthy and strong throughout pregnancy and beyond.”
great for beginners or advanced, November 20, 2006 Review from Amazon.com for Sara Holliday’s Prenatal Yoga: First Trimester: Alyssa Barnes (Poughkeepsie, NY) – “I have never done Yoga before, nor am i very flexible, so this video was the perfect challenge for me. Knowing that the workout I am doing is good for my pregnancy …