If you want to lose postpartum weight, eat more whole grains and less refined carbohydrates such as white flour. The reason why you should choose whole grains is because it his a higher nutritional value and combined with protien and fat it will keep you satisfied longer. Refined carbohydrates that use white flour have been processed and much of the nutritional value is lost. There are some delicious whole grain pastas available. I really like brands such as “Healthy Harvest” and “Barilla”. Take a little time to look around your favorite food store. You will be surprised…there are a lot of delicious whole grain breads and pastas. Just the other day I had whole wheat ravioli, and it was even better than regular ravioli! Another added benefit is you provide a good role model for your children. My 3 year old prefers whole grain pasta. You will see, once you start eating it you will think it has more flavor too!