Simple Gratitude Meditation for Love & Joy

One of the greatest lessons I continue to learn is the more I feel gratitude, the better I feel. As a yoga teacher I love sharing a gratitude meditaion with my students. Follow this simple gratitude meditation and discover how good gratitude feels. -Namaste, Sara Holliday MFT, CPT, HHP

1. Begin seated in a comfortable cross-legged seated position with your hands in prayer position at your heart center. For more support you may use a pillow underneath you and or rest your back against a wall.

2. Close your eyes and focus on your heart center by gently pressing your hands in prayer to your chest.

3. Focus on the gratitude you have for your body. Feeling gratitude for what your body can do for you. Think about how many people would love to move the way that you are able too. Then repeat 3-5 times quietly to yourself, “I feel gratitude for my body.”

4. Focus on the gratitude for your mind. Feeling gratitude for the ability to think.  Then repeat 3-5 times quietly to yourself, “I feel gratitude for my mind.”

5. Focus on the gratitude for your spirit. Connect with special and unique qualities that make you YOU. Then repeat 3-5 times quietly to yourself, “I feel gratitude for my spirit.”

6. Picture those you love (this may be people and pets). Feel the love in your heart warming as you picture the people you love. Connect with the gratitude you feel for having those you love in your life. Then quietly repeat to yourself, “I feel gratitude for everything that brings me joy and love.”

7. Breathe in “Gratitude”, exhale “Gratitude”. Repeat several times.

8. Connect to the good feelings in  your heart center.

9. Come back into the space by picturing it in your mind. Slowly open your eyes.

10. Allow yourself to sit for a moment enjoying the peace within you.

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