Feature Yoga Student~ Janet Bowers is Full of Possibilities

Janet is very flexible in her body naturally and has come a long way in other aspects of her yoga practice. When she first started practicing yoga with me I could sense her apprehension about the spiritual and emotional benefits. However, within a few months I noticed Janet opening up to possibilities in yoga and carrying forth a different perspective in her life. Now she radiates warmth and gratitude. It’s such a pleasure to see the growth Janet has achieved physically, mentally and spiritually in such a short time. ~Namaste, Sara Holliday MFT, CPT

1.  How old are you? I am almost 50.

2. How many years have you been practicing yoga? 1 year. 

3.   Before you starting practicing yoga what did you think it would be like? I took one yoga class offered at a “New Age” bookstore in downtown Philadelphia about 20 years ago.  We sat on mats and breathed using one nostril at a time. I thought it would be like that again, but I’m glad it wasn’t! 

4. What prompted you to try a yoga class with Sara? My friend Kirsten Duncan recommended that I take Sara’s class, and I am really glad she did. 

5. What made you decide to come back to more classes with Sara? I loved the inviting atmosphere- Sara, her class, and her studio.

 6.  What advice do you have for others seeking a yoga instructor? Prior to meeting Sara, I would have said, “It is the hours and convenience, not the teacher that is most critical.” NOW I see that the teacher makes a huge difference.  Sara has a special relationship with each of us, and makes us feel as though we are part of a larger community. 

7. How has yoga improved your flexibility and or strength? It has made me more aware of the critical role of the core in all movements. It has also introduced the idea that things we take for granted, like digestion, can actually be aided by various poses.

 8. What’s your favorite yoga pose and why?  I really like so many, but I guess my favorite is Pigeon because it reminds me of how I used to sit and watch TV when I was a kid!

9. What do you like about yoga? I really love the combination of stretching and philosophy.

 10. How have you changed physically, mentally and spiritually since practicing yoga? I think I have become more flexible in all three senses: physically I am better able to reach, mentally I am more flexible in terms of meeting the demands of my family and job, and spiritually I have become more flexible in my belief system-perhaps putting aside the mathematician who needs proof for all things.

11.  How have you benefited from yoga? I have learned the importance—and benefit—of taking some time for myself, even if it makes others’ lives (i.e., my kids) somewhat more complicated. 

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