Top 5 Tips for Lean Abs

firm abs
Are you concerned about your abs? Besides looking attractive, having lean abdominals reduces your risk for other health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.  Use these top 5 tips to flatten your abs and improve your overall health. ~Sara Holliday MFT, CPT

1. Defy the abdominal crunch myth. Thousands of sit-ups do not equal flat abs! You can exercise your abdominals every day and have strong abs, but you won’t see definition until you lose body fat. The best way to see definition is through a combination of cardio and healthy eating. Just remember this equation: Increase your cardio=increases calories burned=decrease in body fat= muscle definition

2. Do the flat abs combo of kickboxing and yoga. Kickboxing boosts your heart rate so you lose body fat, plus the kicks firm the waist, thighs and buttocks.  Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise to lengthen your muscles while incorporating the core muscles.

3. Increase your fat burning power with high intensity intervals. For example, incorporate stair climbing for a few sets, or take your power walk to a jog for a few minutes. These high intensity intervals will boost your heart rate and work multiple muscles so you burn more calories and lose body fat.

4. Keep your metabolism revved up with healthy snacks.  Be sure to pack healthy snacks such as Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, a banana with peanut butter, a cheese stick with an apple, and or nuts. If you keep your body fueled you’ll have fewer cravings and you’ll burn calories throughout the day. In addition you’ll have more energy and improved digestion.

5. Don’t mistake hunger for thirst. Often times we’re dehydrated and think we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty. Make sure you’re hydrated before you eat- drink a glass of water before you have a bite.  When you’re body is hydrated you’ll eat less and have more energy.


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