I teach a stroller workout class called “Fit Mommas” in San Diego, CA. It’s a challenging workout that gives the moms great results while gaining a network of support. My class combines kickboxing drills, lunges, squats, push ups, tricep dips, weights, stairs, and more. For the first time in over 2 1/2 years, I decided I would invite the Dads to our class for the Labor Day holiday. It was so much fun to see the Dads sweating hard and doing their best to keep up! It was cute to see the Dads worrying over the kids in the strollers when they made a single peep. After the stroller workout the Dads had a new appreciation for how hard the moms work! And the Moms felt good that their husbands were there to support them. One Dad came up to me afterwards and said, “No wonder my wife looks so good!” How great is that?!