Simple Changes to How You Eat Give Great Results

To Sara of Fit by Sara:
“I’m really good about doing some form of exercise nearly every day, but I’m not so good about what I eat. I’m hungry all the time, and try not to eat, but when I do, I can’t stop my cravings. Can you give me some simple suggestions that will help me lose weight?”

One of the biggest mistakes people do when they are trying to lose weight is to exercise more and skip meals. Learning to listen to your body’s hungry cues is one of the most important steps towards a great body and a happier spirit. Once you learn to eat when you are hungry, you will eat more often but the portions will be smaller and your cravings will subside.

Take a moment to reflect on what you feel like mentally and emotionally when you’re hungry. Typically people feel irritable and lethargic. Now think about the physical symptoms of your hunger. Most people think about food a lot when they are hungry, have rumbling in their tummies, or get a headache. Once you understand how you feel mentally and physically abide by your hunger cues—don’t wait for the number on the clock to say noon. Make sure to have healthy snacks available such as nuts, bananas w/ peanut butter, mozzarella cheese and an apple, carrot sticks, and Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal.

After you learn your hunger cues you’ll start to notice a pattern that may be similar to this—breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. You’ll be amazed how making this simple change will result in great changes to the way you look and feel! The best part is that by nourishing your body you’ll lose weight and have much more energy too.—Sara Holliday MFT, CPT, HHP

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