To Sara of Fit by Sara: “How on earth do you fit in sex when you have no time, get no sleep, and are on a completely different schedule than your husband because of the baby? He’s asleep when I get to bed after putting our daughter down for the night, he gets up WAY before me, and on the weekends he sleeps in while I get up with our daughter. We don’t have family or close friends nearby, so there’s no one to watch the baby… it’s TOUGH and sometimes I worry about my relationship because we just don’t get much time.”
From Fit by Sara: “I know having a baby can be really challenging on your relationship…all of us moms have those challenges. And sex can be the last thing on your mind when you have little sleep and little time. However, when your baby is little, it’s important to be connected and feel the love between each other. Intimacy will keep your relationship strong and will benefit your child by letting him/her feel a sense of stability. Bring back your desire with “baby steps”. For example, when you get in bed spoon each other, cuddle, and or rub each others backs. Make an effort to kiss and hug each other, and let him know how much you appreciate and love him. Set one night a week where you agree to spend quality “date time” even if it’s at home. You will both feel so much better when you make the effort to show your love towards each other.” –Sara Holliday MFT, CPT
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