Prenatal Yoga- To Make Room to Breathe

As you approach your third trimester, you may have a harder time breathing because your baby is pressing on your diaphram. Below I describe a great prenatal yoga posture to lengthen your waist and open your ribs allowing in a full breath.

How to do the yoga posture: Seated cross legged comforably on the floor (you may want to put pillows underneath you) place your right on the floor next to your buttocks.  Extend your left arm up towards the ceiling.  Inhale reach even more towards the ceiling, then exhale lean over towards the right side.  Use your breath (inhale in throught the nose and out through the nose with your mouth closed) and imagine lengthening your waist, creating space.  Hold for 4-8 breaths and repeat the sequence on the other side.  Perform the stretch 4-6 times on each side. Notice how much deeper you can breathe!  You can find this exercise on my prenatal yoga DVD for the 3rd Trimester. click here: