Pregnant and Confused with Your Sex Drive?

In the first trimester of your pregnancy it’s common to experience exhaustion because your hormones are working overtime to create your baby, so due to the exhaustion your desire will typically go down.  But by your second trimester your libido will go up because 1. you feel and look pregnant vs. just bigger or fat 2. you’re less anxious about your baby being ok 3. your hormones are in over-drive.  However, by the 3rd trimester you’ll be more likely to experience a decrease in your libido because 1. your belly is big and you may feel more uncomfortable 2. the exhaustion returns as you prepare to deliver.  No matter where you are with your sex drive, be sure to communicate how you feel with your husband or partner.  Also stay connected with passionate kisses, caresses, and by pleasing him.  Note: Men feel connected physically, whereas we typically desire connection after feeling emotionally connected.  Also, stay in shape and keep your body from feeling the typical pregnancy pains by doing prenatal yoga.  The benefits of prenatal yoga are amazing!  You’ll experience less pain, more strength, muscle tone, and an easier labor- plus it can boost your desire.

For more info about prenatal yoga videos I designed specifically for each trimester of pregnancy visit: