Pregnancy- Yoga Stretch to Relieve Low Back Pain

When you’re pregnant it’s common to experience low back pain because the weight of your baby places a lot of pressure on your spine.  A great way to relieve low back pain is to stretch your tight hamstrings.  Try this simple yoga posture “pyramid pose” to release the tension in your hamstrings and ultimately reduce low back pain.  Standing straight step your right foot about 3 feet in front of your left.  Using yoga blocks (or stack a few books) place your hands on either side of your right foot.  Inhale bend your right knee and look up, exhale extend your right leg as straight as possible.  Repeat the sequence 8-10 reps then hold with your right leg as straight as possible.  Use the yoga breath, an inhale through the nose and the exhale through the nose with your mouth closed.  Repeat the yoga breath while focusing on releasing tension from your foot to your buttocks.  Picture the breath creating space.  Hold for 8-10 breaths and repeat the entire sequence on the other side.

You can find this prenatal yoga sequence in my second trimester yoga DVD.  Click here to view my prenatal yoga DVD’s: