Pregnancy: The Urge to Nest

I remember that my friends told me they had this strong urge to nest towards the end of their pregnancy.  I thought this would never happen to me, but it did!  And it not only happen in my first pregnancy, but in my second as well!  I couldn’t believe how I had this uncontrollable desire to have my babies clothes organized in drawers a month before my due date!  I also had my bag packed for the hospital!  All I wanted to do was get everything possible done.  However, towards the end of my pregnancy I was more tired and felt the need to take a cat nap daily.  Nature has a way of preparing us for what is to come.  Everything that you feel is totally normal!  My advice is to “go with the flow”.  If you want to get a lot done do it, but then listen when your body says it’s time to rest.