Like most pregnant women I really disliked “weighing in” every time I went in for my doctor appointmnets. Prior to my visit I would contemplate how much I ate and guess how much weight I gained. If I didn’t gain a pound I felt like I wasn’t nourishing my baby enough, but if I gained more than 2-3 pounds I felt like I was eating too much! Now that I’m no longer pregnant I can see how absurd this was…yet I’m sure many of you pregnant women deal with these same feelings. My advice is this…keep the focus on your baby. Pick foods that will nourish your baby so he or she will grow and develop. Eat sugary and salty foods in moderation. If “weighing in” causes a lot of stress for you, ask that the nurse not tell you what your weight is, but instead just tells you that you are doing fine. I realized this little tip towards the end of my pregnancy and it really helped with my sanity! 🙂 Also, remember that the weight you are gaining is only temporary and needed for the development of your baby. I promise…you can lose the weight if you eat healthy and exercise consistently!