Pregnancy: Embrace Your Pregnant Body

While your pregnant it may feel like your body is no longer your own, and you may wish that you pregnancy is over.  It’s common to think about getting back your body, but remember this…the time that you are pregnant is so short!  My advice is this:  You will value your pregnancy so much more if you connect with your baby as much as possible.

Try this simple exercise to embrace your pregnant body and connect with your baby: Sit comfortably (you may sit in a chair or on the floor with pillows under your buttocks).  Place your hands on your belly and close your eyes.  Take in the shape of your belly, feel your belly button.  Feel your breath rising and falling.  Notice the movement of your baby.  Notice the emotions you have when he or she moves.  Breathe deep 8-10 times.  Slowly open your eyes.