When you get pregnant the second time you may wonder, “How will I take care of two when one child is already challenging?” or “How will I be able to spend time with my first child?” or “Will I love this baby as much as the first?” As a mom of two I can tell you that I had these same fears. However, after having my second baby everything was soooooooooooo much easier! Because you have the experience of having a baby before, you’re more relaxed and thus enjoy each phase. Yes, even the sleepless nights went faster because I was more relaxed and I knew it was only temporary. The first child still gets plenty of attention and learns how to share and “take care of” another person he or she loves. And as far as loving your second child as much, not even question of who I love more, there’s plenty of room in a moms heart. From a mom who was unsure about making the step to have two, I have to say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.