A woman feels differentaly in each trimester of her pregnancy. In first trimester a woman usually feels excited about having a baby, but may be fearful about what she can do early in her preganancy. If a woman gets the thubmbs up from her doctor, and has been exercsing prior to becoming pregnant, she can conitinue exercising when she becomes pregnant. However, from my own experience I was a little more tired in my first trimester. It’s very important for a pregnant woman to listen to her body. Stay hiydrated with plenty of water. Exercise at an intensity where you don’t feel out of breath. If you are new to exercising, start off slowly and increase your intensity as you feel stronger. Be consistent in your exerecise to get the greatest results. The first triemster is the beginning of your journey, so start off eating healthy and exercsing, and you’ll be very glad you did !