Postpartum Weight Loss: Too Body Conscious to Go to the Gym?

Did you think it would be a great idea to go to the gym?  Did your husband even buy you a membership as a gift?  But when you set foot to take a peak you immediately felt anxious about working out amongst a bunch of fit people.  If you did, you’re not alone, gyms can be intimidating even to those who are fit.  Don’t let your absence from going to the gym deter you from getting fit.  There’s so much you can do that won’t cost a buck.  Start off slowly with walking 10 min. a day, then 15 min., then 20 min., etc..  If you’re consistent you’ll soon see that you’ll feel better mentally and physically.  At the end of your workout really focus on how good you feel after exercise and congratulate yourself for making your health a priority!