To Sara of Fit by Sara: “I have high cholestral but I love eggs. I don’t care for red meat or chicken so I mostly eat a lot of carbohydrates which are not good for my middle. What protien do you suggest that won’t make my cholestral worse and will benefit my weight loss goals?”
All of the protien is in the egg whites and all the cholestral is in the yoke, so you can still eat eggs and get great protien. You can make a delicious egg white scramble by combining egg whites, low fat mozerella cheese, avocado, with a dab of garlic powder and or basil- fold into a whole grain tortilla and you’ll have a meal. Other protien sources can be found in fish, nuts and dairy such as mile and cheese. Just eat cheese in moderation. You can also get protien in whole grain breads, cereals and pastas.-Sara Holliday MFT, CPT