When I was away on business as a fitness consultant for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, a couple of people I sat next to expressed discomfort over what they were eating in “front of a fitness specialist”. I assured them, they they had nothing to worry about. Yet, they were surprised that I actually ate! There’s a misconception that in order to be fit you have to constantly “diet and deprive yourself”. I used to believe that too, and battled with my body and food. It wasn’t till my 30’s that I learned that you can eat a good amount of food as long as you eat when you are hungry. When you eat when you’re hungry, you’ll see that you eat more often but the portions of food you eat are smaller. You’re also less likely to crave fattening foods, because by eating more often you’ll keep your blood sugar levels in check. There’s also nothing wrong with enjoying dessert…the key is moderation, and really fully enjoying your treats when you have them.