After having a baby many new moms experience a decrease in sex drive. This is common practice because taking care of a new baby requires a lot of energy, especially if you are nursing! Also, if you had tearing when delivering, you may experience pain or discomfort with intercourse. So you may be wondering how to get back your sex drive. The good news is it’s entirely possible! First and foremost, communicate with your husband or partner. Let him know you what you need to feel in the mood (i.e. have a romantic bath, candles, music, etc.). Or you can tell him you want to connect physically by kissing and carressing. If it goes further great, but this way the pressure is off. If you are or have experienced any pain or discomfort from intercourse, let him know that too. Tell him you need to start off slow, and try using lubrication. My last piece of advice is to get as much rest as you can. Take a nap during the day so you have the energy to have intimacy in the evening when the baby is asleep!