Feature Yoga Student~ Inquisitive Robert Hillman

Inquisitive Robert Hillman is often seeking solutions to better his life and the lives of others. When he first started taking classes at my studio, he shared that he suffered from stress headaches and backaches. After just a few classes he noticed that he experienced less pain. Recently I’ve noticed Robert expressing a deeper awareness for noticing the little things, and enjoying special moments with his family. I’m proud of how far Robert has come in his grasp of the essential element of yoga- be present, and joy will follow. ~Sara Hollliday MFT, CPT

1.How old are you? 40

2. How many years have you been practicing yoga? I’ve been practicing yoga for a total of 2 years, approximately a year with Sara.

3. Before you starting practicing yoga what did you think it would be like? I thought it would be lots of stretching and really easy, and that it wouldn’t have much benefit for me.

4. What prompted you to try a yoga class with Sara? She’s my neighbor and I heard her classes were great.


 5. What made you decide to come back to more classes with Sara? I have taken classes with eight other yoga teachers in the past two years, and enjoyed her class the most by far.  Her classes are small and a great mix of mind, body, and spirit.


 6.  What advice do you have for others seeking a yoga instructor? Find an instructor that has experience in teaching the type of yoga you are interested in. He or she should teach in a way that works for you, and adjust according to your skill level. Some of my other yoga instructors either talked too detailed and too fast at first when I started, and others very little with no direction.  Also, a small class size helps when you are starting out and you’re not sure if you’re doing the poses right.


 7. How has yoga improved your flexibility and or strength? When I started yoga I had lots of back pains and tight chest muscles and couldn’t come close to touching my toes.  When new students come in (especially us guys) it reminds me how far I’ve come in my flexibility. My back pain has been eliminated, and I’ve improved my abs and upper body strength.


 8. What’s your favorite yoga pose and why? I really like the balancing poses because they have helped my balance in daily life.  At first downward dog wasn’t my favorite because it was hard for me, but in another year it might be my favorite because I’m enjoying it more as time goes on.


 9. What do you like about yoga? In our society we  are programmed to push, achieve, stress out and constantly optimize time and do something otherwise there is a felling that time is being wasted. Yoga helps reverse a lot of that programming and “burn-out” feeling for me – I live more in the “now” and enjoy life considerably more.


 10. How have you changed physically, mentally and spiritually since practicing yoga?

Physically I have more strength and flexibility and no more muscle pains, and fewer headaches. Mentally I feel much calmer and concentrate better. Spiritually I’m more in “tune” with my mind/body and the world around me. 


 11. What do you say when people ask you about how you got your results? I say, “Yoga is great, everyone should try it.”


 12.  How have you benefited from yoga? I enjoy life so much more and see things from a healthier perspective. I am in the ‘now’ a lot more, calmer and able to concentrate better. I have improved my posture and have no back pains.  Also I am able to relax now when before I had a really hard time calming my mind. I have improved my relationships with people at work, as well as have more patience and understanding at home.  I’m much more open-minded and less judgmental. I’ve learned when something happens you get to choose how it affects you. Why not respond in a healthy and constructive way? Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but I’m working on it.


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