One of the hardest things I’ve done was having both of my children natural, meaning without any pain medications. Many people have asked me how I did it. I credit yoga for my ability to deal with the pain. During the most painful contractions I closed my eyes and used the yoga breath (in through the nose and out through the nose) to relax my muscles and calm my mind. I pictured my breath creating space, and releasing pressure. By focusing on my breath I was able to let the process happen naturally without tensing up.
Just a couple days ago I found myself using the yoga breath to release pain when I had a bout food poisoning. My stomach hurt nearly as bad as labor! I pictured the breath as warm, healing energy entering my belly. Believe it or not the yoga breath and visualization helped! When I relaxed and focused on my breath I felt less pain and I healed within a couple of days. -Sara Holliday MFT, CPT