Featured Yoga Student~Inspiring Wendy Morihiro


When I think of Wendy I think of the word, “Inspiring”. Wendy is almost always the first to arrive at my studio even though her drive is forty minutes. Wendy puts her worries on the back burner and comes fully present to class. At the beginning of class I ask my students what they feel they need, and often Wendy says, “Work me”.  When the other students laugh, she smiles and says, “Or I can go with the flow”. Her positive attitude encourages others to do their best.  Wendy Morihiro is truly an inspiration to our class. –Sara Holliday MFT, CPT

Interview with Wendy Morihiro:

1.      How old are you? “55”

2.      How many years have you been practicing yoga? ”2 1/2  years”

3.      Before you starting practicing yoga what did you think it would be like? “I didn’t think I would be flexible or patient enough to do the poses.”

4.      What prompted you to try a yoga class? “My doctor advised me to do yoga to help with the pain I had from arthritis in my lower back. At the time I couldn’t pick up something from the floor without holding onto something.”

5.      What made you decide to take a class with me? “The reason I tried a class with you was because all of the proceeds were donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure (for breast cancer). At the time it wasn’t because it was a yoga class.”

6.      What made you decide to come back to more classes with me? “I couldn’t believe how sore I was after doing your class. I thought to myself, I must need this.”

7.      What advice do you have for others seeking a yoga instructor? “You should feel a good vibe with your instructor. A great yoga instructor will bring out confidence by encouraging versus discouraging you. Try it and see!”

8.      How has yoga improved your flexibility? “I used to be really tight and sore in my low back and hamstrings, and now I experience little to no pain.”

9.      What’s your favorite yoga pose? “Warrior Two because I feel powerful.”

10.  What do you like about yoga? “I love everything about yoga.”

11.  How have you changed physically, mentally and spiritually since practicing yoga? “I went from a size 10 to a size 4, and I have biceps! I think I’m kinder, more open and patient.  I accept myself the way I am and I take people for who they are. “


12.  What do you say when people ask you about how you got your results? “I tell them that I do JUST YOGA, and they can’t believe it.”


13.  How have you benefited from yoga? “I have a renewed confidence from practicing yoga. Yoga helped me get into the best shape of my life and it changed me from the inside out.”






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