Shari is a dedicated and busy mom to two teen age boys and a six year old girl. She is stretched thin by all the demands placed on her, yet sees the importance of making time for her yoga practice. Shari comes to class with openness for learning as well as for letting go. At the end of class I ask my students how they feel and Shari will often share her thoughts with laughter or with tears. Her open expression gives others permission to be themselves too. Shari also added warmth and deeper connection to our studio by creating a “book basket.” This gives students the opportunity to share favorite books. Shari’s openness to be expressive is a gift we can all learn and benefit from. –Sara Holliday MFT, CPT
Interview with Shari Perry:
1. How old are you? 47
2. How many years have you been practicing yoga? 2 years +
3. Before you starting practicing yoga what did you think it would be like? I thought it would involve very complicated pretzel-like poses with deep meditation requiring an ability to mentally check-out.
4. What prompted you to try a yoga class with me? I tried the Yogini Boot Camp- a forty minute workout followed by twenty minutes of yoga. While I loved the workout, I really loved the yoga part after the intense workout. I decided to try the regular yoga class and was hooked!
5. What made you decide to come back to more classes with me? There are so many reasons! Sara’s detailed instructions and encouragement makes me feel like I TOO CAN do this! The environment is nurturing and non-judgmental – the other ladies in class are incredibly supportive, even after meeting the first time! The music, aroma-therapy, healing touches… I look forward to class each week. It’s MY private hour of self- indulgence!
6. What advice do you have for others seeking a yoga instructor? It’s important to not feel judged by the instructor. Sara is amazing with encouraging words and gentle touches to maximize one’s flexibility. It’s very important that the instructor remind you of the importance of proper breathing and help guide you thru poses.
7. How has yoga improved your flexibility and or strength? Surprisingly so! I’m always amazed during class at what a cardio- workout yoga offers! I never would have thought holding poses and executing flowing routines would get my heart rate up! My family has noticed that my body is in so much better shape. I’m amazed also at how flexible I am – I enjoy pushing myself to see if I can go a bit further each week or if I’ve gotten stronger to hold poses more steadily.
8. What’s your favorite yoga pose? “Forward fold” as it completely stretches out my neck, back and legs. Also, “Child’s pose”, because it is a mentally grounding pose for me.
9. What do you like about yoga? It forces me to quiet my mind. I’m not always successful in achieving that, but Sara seems to know when our minds wander and calls us back to benefit from the serenity of yoga. I love the workout it offers too!
10. How have you changed physically, mentally and spiritually since practicing yoga? I am much more calm and relaxed. I have a different approach to life’s triggers. I feel stronger physically for sure, but spiritually, yoga gives me time to pause and remember to express gratitude.
11. What do you say when people ask you about how you got your results? I say believe it or not – I do yoga! Then I tell them all the wonderful and amazing aspects of yoga that many people do not realize.
12. How have you benefited from yoga? There are so many benefits! I love the mind/body connection, it’s challenging to sync the two, but it gets easier each week and when it happens – it’s amazing! I cannot imagine not practicing yoga – my body actually craves it each week.