Joline illuminates a sweet and kind hearted energy that warms the studio. She is always grateful to be in class and makes the most of her time in her yoga practice. Since practicing yoga with me I have noticed a great improvement in Joline’s strength and flexibility. It is always wonderful to have her great energy in my classes. -Sara Holliday MFT, CPT, HHP
1. How many years have you been practicing yoga? I have been practicing yoga consistently for 4.5 years, and almost a year with Sara.
2. What prompted you to try a yoga class with Sara? Initially I started taking classes with Sara based on the convenience of the time of the classes. After my first class I realized I was meant to be there. I loved the class, and even though it was challenging, I felt like I belonged there.
3. What made you decide to come back to more classes with Sara? I absolutely love her energy. After her classes I have more energy and I feel more balanced.
4. How has yoga improved your flexibility and or strength? I have really noticed with Sara’s classes that I push myself and have become stronger without realizing it.
5. What’s your favorite yoga pose and why? I have so many but probably tree pose because I feel strong and balanced at the same time.
6. What do you like about yoga? I love that yoga helps me to stay connected to my authentic self and that it strengthens my ability off the mat to stay in the beauty of the present moment.
7. How have you changed physically, mentally and spiritually since practicing yoga? Physically- I feel much stronger, for example I can now do chaturangas the right way. Mentally- Practicing with Sara has strengthened my ability to stay connected to my practice off my mat. She continually reminds us to be present which to me is a core part of the practice both on and off the mat. Spiritually- with Sara’s guidance she has helped me tune into the lesson that I need most for that day.