Exercise for Woman- Change Your Body By Changing Your Exercise

Your body can change in shape by the type of exercise you do.  For example, when you look at a swimmer they usually have muscular backs; bicyclists usually have strong calfs and thighs; body builders usually have thick, bulky muscles; people who do yoga typically have long muscles.  I can speak first hand from my own experience.  My pre-teen, though teen years I did gymnastics.  I was strong and had more of a bulky muscle.  In college I got into natural body building and continued to have thick muscles.  After college I got into yoga and noticed how my “thick” muscles lengthened and looked longer.  Now I practice a combo of exercises.  I teach kickboxing, yoga, and lift light weights.  I highly recommend to my clients to do a combonation of exercises to develop a more porpotional, toned, “long” muscle body.  You too will notice that by combining exercises your body will change!