Good posture keeps your body in proper allignment, which reduces the chances for muscle and joint discomfort. An added bonus is good posture makes you look more confident and more attractive. Yoga is an excellent way to improve your posture. In yoga, I continuously remind my students to become aware of how they are standing. After each pose I tell my students to stand with their spine tall, thigh muscles pulled tight, pelvis tucked under, abdominals tight, with their head lengthening towards the ceiling. Try this simple exercise: Bring your feet slightly away from a wall, then “flatten” your entire backside against the wall. Start by pressing your legs, the glutes, then low back, upper back, shoulders, and last your head. Notice how it feels to stand tall. It may feel a bit uncomfortable…but this is your body in proper allignment. If you take one thing from this exercise, first and foremost think of this when you stand or walk, pull your shoulders back by squeezing your shoulder blades, and lift your head. The next time you enter a room remember your posture and others will see a confident person.