To Sara of Fit by Sara: “My legs got so big with my pregnancy and I’ve lost most of the weight, but now I have saddlebags on my thighs. Any suggestions for getting rid of them?”
From Fit by Sara: “Good job for losing most of your baby weight! Excess body fat can accumulate in different areas in our bodies. For women, the most common places are the thighs and buttocks. I would highly recommend assessing your diet. Keep a journal and write as much detail as you can to see your eating patterns. Often we eat out of boredom or stress, and you may be doing this but not noticing. Through keeping a journal you will see areas where you can make changes without feeling deprived, such as eating smaller portions, or less processed foods (such as packaged meats, or refined sugars (such as cookies, chips, or crackers). Changes in your diet will result in less calories consumed which equals less body fat. If you want even quicker results, combine a healthy diet along with exercising a minimum of 3-5 times per week for 30-50 min. you will burn even more calories which equals an even greater reduction in body fat which equals shrinking your saddlebags!” -Sara Holliday MFT, CPT