Postpartum Exercise- Relief for Post-Baby Blues

After having a baby, it is common for women to experience feelings of deep sadness, isolation, and irritability.  These symptoms arise from a change in your hormones after having a baby mixed with lack of sleep.  A great way to boost your mood is to get moving because exercise produces a natural high called endorphins.  You will notice a change in your mood as soon as you get going, especially if you are exercising outdoors on a nice day.  Have someone watch your baby, or bring your baby with you in a stroller or a baby carrier (my favorite is baby bjorn with back support).  Take a few deep breaths before you begin.  Vary your tempo and mix in hills.  Work up to 35-50 minutes of cardio (walking, jogging, or combo).  Added bonus: Cardio=Weight loss= improved self image, better mood, and an increase in energy!