If you’re pregnant you’ve probably noticed some heartburn and indigestion…especially in the later months. I personally found that when I did yoga I didn’t experience indigestion! As your baby grows there is less room for your stomach and this can cause indigestion. Try these simple prenatal yoga exercises to create “space” for your stomach: Belly Opening Pose: Standing with your feelt shoulder width apart, inhale and reach your finger tips up towards the ceiling, extend your fingertips as high as you can. Exhale release your arms at your side. Repeat 8 times. Space for Your Waist Pose: Next, stand with your feet about three feet apart. Inhale one arm overhead and place the other hand on your hip or at your side. Exhale reach over to one side. When you reach over reach as far as you, as if I’m gently pulling on your finger tips. Repeat 8 times on each side. Notice the difference in how you feel after completing these two simple exercises.