Pregnancy: The Key To Sound Sleep

A common complaint during pregnancy is feeling uncomfortable when sleeping and/or having trouble falling asleep.  This happens because as your belly grows, there is more pressure on your spine and into the glutes and hips.  Plus your mind gets into gear about what needs to be done before your little one comes.  One key to good sleep is to have supportive pillows.  I loved the one I purchased at Costco for $12.  It became my best friend because it was so comfortable!  Rest on your side and prop a  leg (bent at a 90 degree angle) and the other leg with a slight bend in the knee.  Next prop your belly on your pillow(s).  The second key to sound sleep is to do a relaxing meditation.  While laying on your side take deep breaths from your feet all the way to your head.  For example, take a deep breath into your feet, a deep breath into your calves, a deep breath into your thighs…etc..  This relaxing meditation will quiet your mind and relax your body in preparation for a good nights sleep.