Postpartum Weight Loss- Stop Obsessing Over the Number on The Scale

Are you trying to lose weight?  Are you obsessed by the ever increasing number on the scale?  Are you frustrated because you’re counting every calorie and exercising and the number on the scale just won’t seem to budge?

Stop obsessing over the number on the scale and losing weight, and start setting your focus on a healthy lifestyle.  Measure your progress by how you feel.  Meaning after you exercise do you feel more energetic?  Or after eating a healthy meal do you feel less irritable?  When you change your focus from losing weight to a healthy lifestyle your obsessive behaviors will decrease and you’ll feel better AND the weight WILL come off! 

For more info check out my  nationwide Total Body Coaching Program. Learn how to eat to nourish your body, exercise because you want too, and lose weight without ever dieting or depriving your body! Click here: