Postpartum Weight Loss- Weight Loss When You Can’t Workout

To Sara of Fit by Sara: “I was just getting back into exercising and I tore the ligaments in my knee!  What do you suggest I do to keep on track with my weight loss goals?”

From Sara of Fit by Sara: “Ouch, that is a bummer, injuries are not fun, but you can still lose weight even if you can’t workout.  The #1 factor for weight loss is how you eat, so now set your attention to improvements you can make in your diet.  Cut back on refined sugars, chips, and processed foods–basically high fat, high calorie, low nutritonal value foods.  Increase your veggies and fruits, water intake, and whole grains.  Switch from white flour pastas to whole grain/whole wheat breads and pastas.  Cut down on sodium, which will make you retain water (and it increases blood pressure) and try out other spices such as garlic powder vs. garlic salt or better yet use fresh garlic.  For exercise you can still strengthen your abdominals with abdominal crunches, and you can do upper body workouts with light weights.  Just be sure you understand how to lift weights properly so you don’t wind up with another injury!  Also the pool is an excellent place to get exercise and take the pressure off of your knee.  Ask to see a physical therapist (should be covered by your insurance).  He or she will give you exercises to strengthen and stretch your leg so you can get back onto your exercise routine as soon as possible.”
-Sara Holliday

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