5 Simple Exercise Tips for Busy Moms

To Sara of Fit by Sara: “I’m a mom of 3 kids and I work part time. I have no time during the day to workout, and I’m so tired by the time that I get home that I don’t feel like working out.  Any suggestions?”

I understand how busy life can be especially when you work and have kids. Here 5 simple tips to fit in your exercise. The key is to make fitness a priority! You have the ablility to make exercise happen if you REALLY want to do it.  Making fitness priority will make you look and feel better, plus you’ll be a positive role model for your kids.” -Sara Holliday MFT, CPT
1. Workout in the morning.  Working out first thing in the morning will help you get it out of the way- this way you’ll avoid getting too busy or too tired which happens later in the day.

2. Make your workouts do-able. Instead of planning for an hour workout, do a half hour power walk then do push ups and ab work. Or another great option is a half hour to 45 minutes of yoga. Yoga is a great full body workout plus it will refresh your spirit for a positive attitude.
4. Walk during your lunch break. Get a co-worker to come along with you so you hold each other accountable and enjoy each others company while you exercise.

3. Go for a hike and take your kids with you. If they are too young push them in a stroller and walk on trail.

5. Fit it in whenever you can. Small daily habits make a difference to your overall health and wellness. Park your car further away from your work place and grocery store, take the stairs whenever you can, and play with your kids.

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