Just Be

I have received several emails asking me why I haven’t written in my blog since February. After reading emails I realized that my writing has helped some of you, so that is enough to get me back to writing and sharing my thoughts…. at least for right now.

One lesson I’d like to share with you, is the gift of allowing yourself to just be. I used to be so focused on what I felt I “had to” and “should do” that I lost touch with what I wanted to do. When I stopped writing my blog, I shifted my focus on connecting with what I felt I should do, to what I wanted to do. I realized I was out of balance, and I wanted more time for relaxation and rejuvenation.Once I realized this, if I wanted to take an hour to mediate, read, or nap I felt joy versus guilt. Taking the break from writing in my blog gave me the time to just be. I ask you now, what is it that you feel you should or have to do? And what would you do, if you felt no guilt in just being? ~Sara Holliday, MFT, CPT, HHP


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